Preacher Macy

Berpa is what we called him. My Aunt Cherry gave him that name derived from the fictional stories of B’rer Rabbit and B’rer Bear. Apparently the characters were goofy and animated, much like her bear-sized goofball of a dad.

He was also known by many as “Preacher Macy,” as most of his life was spent in the field of missions, spreading the gospel from rural America to rural India, Africa and beyond. He and my Nana had seven children throughout these years and I can only imagine their perseverance had to come from God-given strength and Berpa’s tendency to be able to laugh and smile through just about anything. You’d never have known that his young life was riddled with deep poverty and pain.

We always loved hearing our aunts and uncles tell about his shenanigans but they never failed to mention that he had a very serious side to him. His priority was Christ and taking care of others and his children knew not to try and interfere with either one. Their admiration for their dad proves that a Christ-centered life is the best foundation for parenthood.

The Berpa I knew, however, was the biggest goofball. He towered over us in height but had a way of making you feel on his level. He had a huge armchair that we would squeeze into beside him to listen to him tell us stories and eventually he would take out his teeth and chase us around the cabin roaring like a lion then giggling like a school girl.

I also remember being so impressed by his array of talents. He authored books and several published articles, he painted beautiful works of art that his family still cherishes in our homes and he had this incredible ability to draw you in with his speech and mannerisms. His booming voice coupled with his large body had everyone’s attention, no matter where we were. His wife, my Nana, always stood beside him looking up in admiration.

Berpa & Nana

Sadly, I also got to know the Preacher Macy that endured an enormous trial before passing away September of 2000. Pancreatic Cancer was a beast that caused the strong, tall Bear to quickly wither away before our eyes.

He died at home surrounded by his wife and children. The grandchildren patiently waited for our Berpa to climb out of bed to chase us around with his teeth and grrr like a ferocious lion. We couldn’t believe that he could be anything but strong and resilient.

I think his funeral was the first that I remember every detail of and felt a sense of loss incomparable to anything i’d felt before. The thought that someone so kind, loving and deeply loved, dying from a terrible illness took the wind right out of my sails, and I wasn’t alone.

Countless others whose lives had been touched by “Preacher Macy” made sure to tell his wife and children how much of an impact he had. Even if they didn’t get to come in person, the family received letters from near and far.

Thinking of him and the tremendous impact he had gives me pause on how I utilize my own time on this side of heaven. How can I take the same leaps of faith that will lead my family to understanding the heights that you can go if you take Jesus’ hand with courage? How can I be more kind, choose my words so much more carefully and be intentional with every person that’s in front of me? How can I show compassion that goes beyond the superficial, performative words spilled onto a social media post?

The morning affirmations that I say to my son each morning are inspired by this legacy, the legacy that had Jesus love written all throughout. I am kind. I am courageous. I am compassionate. I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.

Especially in this season of my life, as I decide my next steps, I wish I could sit in that big armchair, squeezed in beside him, to ask him all the questions that a granddaughter would. Thankfully, I have the hope of seeing him again in a whole new light, when we both won’t have anymore questions but only the joy of living with Jesus.

Berpa, Preacher Macy, brother David, thank you for your legacy. Thank you for sharing your light. I miss you and I love you ❤️

One thought on “Preacher Macy

  1. I love ♥️ this so much.
    What a legacy of love he left for All of us !!
    Helping others was his daily task no matter what he was doing.
    I praise God that he made William David Macy my earthly father 💙

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